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FROM SOIL TO TABLE: The Organic Farming Philosophy of Kolkhoz Nomer 1

Kolkhoz nomer 1, located in the Moscow region, specializes in growing rare vegetable varieties using organic methods. The team’s careful selection of land, water, and seeds ensures the highest quality produce. We spoke with the CEO and head agronomist about the nuances of growing vegetables and fruits in the challenging Russian climate, their values, and their goals for the near future.

Yana Karnaukhova: Yan, could you share the story behind the creation of Kolkhoz Nomer 1? What inspired you and your team of enthusiasts to embark on this journey?

Yan Sugak, CEO: The main source of inspiration, probably, were memories from childhood. After all, many of us are familiar with the taste and aroma of fresh cucumber picked from grandma’s garden in childhood or ripe tomatoes from a bush that filled the whole house with fragrance. And what can we say about family trips to harvest, when the whole family and relatives gathered together, harvested the harvest, and immediately ate its fruits at a common table. It was so sincere and warm, delicious and healthy, that being residents of the metropolis today, I want to plunge into those memories at least for a moment and feel their taste.

So, in fact, the idea of an organic vegetable farm was born, which brought together several people who are ready to go on this agro journey. At that time, we did not know if it was possible to grow real organic matter in our climate, but inspired by the idea and possible results, we began to dive in and try. That’s how Kolkhoz Nomer 1 appeared, as a collective farm – a collective of enthusiasts in our case.

YK: How did you select the specific location for the farm, and what factors were most important in that decision?

YS: Even at the stage of the idea, we clearly understood the basic principles that we wanted to adhere to. We didn’t just want to grow vegetables, but really healthy and delicious ones. That is, in our case, we considered exclusively organic cultivation methods so that we could not just enjoy the taste, but also benefit, eat ourselves, give to children without remorse. Therefore, we had a special approach to finding a place. We were looking for land located in an ecologically clean area, at a certain distance from the city. Considering different options, we definitely submitted the land for analysis, because the quality of the land is very important for growing organic matter.

YK: What are the core values that drive Kolkhoz Nomer 1, and how do they influence your day-to-day operations?

YS: Variety! We pay great attention to the variety of vegetables, planting not only different crops, but also experimenting with varieties, trying new things to find the best varieties of vegetables and give our customers the opportunity to try something unusual.

Benefit! One of the main principles, as I mentioned earlier, is the benefits of products. In the growing process, we strictly adhere to the methods of organic farming and natural crop production, do not use mineral fertilizers. All our vegetables have been laboratory tested.

Taste! We pay great attention to the taste components. It is important for us to grow not only healthy products without pesticides, but also delicious ones. Food should definitely be enjoyable! In addition, taste is a very capacious concept in our business, taste is not only a gastronomic pleasure, but also aesthetics, which is why we pay great attention to packaging, the appearance of the farm and other related elements.

And of course, the quality. We carefully monitor the quality of our products at all stages, from the selection of seeds to delivery to the customer’s table. That is why, after harvesting, we carefully select the vegetables, carefully pack them and deliver them with our own delivery service. All our machines are equipped with special refrigeration equipment, which allows you to maintain the required temperature regime, keeping the products fresh at all stages.

Another value inherent in us is development. We do not stop there, we try to try new things and develop our business. In 2022, we built winter greenhouses, which allowed us to organize year-round production of our products. We are constantly experimenting, trying new varieties, and growing unusual rare crops. We have implemented the concept of ready-made kits and a subscription to our vegetables. We have a lot of interesting ideas that we plan to implement. We are also open to cooperation and the implementation of new interesting ideas.

YK: What do you see as the significance of Kolkhoz Nomer 1 in the broader context of the agricultural sector in Russia?

YS: In our understanding, the importance is to promote organic farming, growing vegetables without the use of chemicals, that is, using land for the benefit of society. It will be great if other farms follow these principles and healthy products will be easily accessible to people, because we see that they are in demand. More and more people are choosing an informed approach to nutrition and food selection, which means that the quality of life and health of the nation will grow. And we cannot but be pleased with the fact that we are setting such a significant direction vector, showing by our example that it is possible to grow organic vegetables even in a zone of risky farming!

YK: How does your farm contribute to the development of organic farming in the region, and what impact do you hope to achieve?

YS: We give people the opportunity to eat natural and healthy foods. It’s nice to know that you are contributing to the health of society. Now, niche aggregators and restaurant chains are increasingly paying attention to us. There is a trend towards health care in society and it is good to see that it remains relevant and is developing. And our task is to provide everyone with healthy and delicious products.

YK: Could you elaborate on the importance of organic farming in today’s food industry and how your farm’s approach differs from conventional methods?

YS: The approach differs in everything and at all stages. As I said, it depends on the choice of place and land. We regularly check the land, do analyses, check the water, and treat the land in organic ways. For example, this year we steamed the soil in greenhouses. We do not use mineral fertilizers in the process of growing crops, we add only certified organic fertilizers. We submit the grown products for analysis in order to consolidate confidence in their benefits. All this makes the processes of growing organic matter more complex and expensive, and the amount of harvest, unfortunately, does not always correspond to the desired results. But all these difficulties are not comparable to the benefits that we get from these products. It’s a storehouse of vitamins and benefits. That in our time, and at all times, the most precious and priceless thing is health! Here we are making our small contribution to the health of society! Is there any need to talk about the importance of our business

YK: What inspired you to focus on rare and unusual vegetable varieties? How do you choose which varieties to grow?

YS: Our team is young and ambitious people. We often travel the world, try something new ourselves and want to share it with others. I didn’t know what purple carrots or potatoes were before, I didn’t understand what a cale was, and I knew one type of salad. Now these unusual foods are an integral part of my diet and I understand how it is not only delicious, but also healthy. I want to convey this to people as well. To give them the opportunity to try something new, something that they may not have tried before. Get not only benefits, but also diversify your table.

YK: What are your future goals for Kolkhoz Nomer 1? Do you have plans for expansion or introducing new varieties?

YS:We have enough plans and ideas. We try to implement them as much as possible. Now the main goal is expansion, we are in search of new territories, we want to develop in different directions, not limited only to vegetables.

YK: Natalia, could you tell us about the process of choosing land for Kolkhoz Nomer 1? What specific criteria did you consider when choosing soil and water quality?

Natalia, head agronomist: The first and main criterion we considered was the environmental situation in the area. Mozhaysky District is one of the leaders in the Moscow region in terms of ecological well-being, with many forests and few industrial enterprises. The second thing we paid attention to was that the plot had to be fallow, meaning it hadn’t been used for agricultural purposes for at least three years. Of course, after a preliminary assessment of the land, we conducted a soil analysis for nutrient content and contaminants. Based on the results of the analysis, we made the final decision. After that, we dug a well and also had the water analyzed. Moreover, we monitor the water and soil quality at least twice per season.

YK: Can you tell us about the challenges and benefits of running a farm that specializes in growing rare and unusual vegetable varieties on land in the Moscow region?

N: The Moscow region is located in a zone of risky farming, meaning our harvest is directly dependent on the region’s unstable weather conditions, which change from season to season. However, in addition to the challenges, there are also advantages—our customers receive the freshest products, avoiding lengthy transportation.

YK: How do you balance the need to grow high-quality, nutrient-rich products with the challenges of cultivating such unique varieties?

N: We experiment a lot with varieties and crops, selecting the most resistant to our conditions. We use scientifically proven cultivation techniques such as crop rotation and favorable crop companionship. To grow heat-loving crops, we expand the areas of our summer greenhouses every year. Additionally, we only use proven, eco-friendly organic fertilizers and plant protection products in our work. This way, we can delight our customers with fresh, tasty, healthy, and diverse vegetables.

YK: How do you test and ensure that each variety meets the high standards of taste and nutritional content that Kolkhoz Nomer 1 is known for?

N: Every season, we send our products to the laboratory for biochemical analysis—we track the levels of vitamins, sugars, dry matter, and nitrates, and all of our products are tested for residual pesticide levels. Therefore, we can proudly say that all of our products are of the highest quality and, most importantly, absolutely safe.

YK: Are there any new vegetable varieties or farming methods that you are currently experimenting with on the farm?

N: Of course! We love to experiment, and every year new varieties are tested within each crop group. In addition to varieties, we are trying to grow new crops for us. This year, for example, we are experimenting with fennel, parsnips, sweet potatoes, asparagus, and much more.

YK: How do you stay up-to-date with the latest agronomic research and apply it to your work?

N: I am an active research associate at the All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Production, and I study a lot of scientific literature—both domestic and foreign. We also strive to gain new knowledge through advanced training courses, attending seminars, conferences, and round tables. Of course, we try not to miss any industry exhibitions or “field days” organized by seed producers. We also communicate a lot with colleagues, sharing experiences.

Источник: https://yanakarnaukhova.ru/from-soil-to-table-the-organic-farming-philosophy-of-kolkhoz-nomer-1/

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